The Go-To Field Guide for the
Modern Stepfamily is here!
Blended families are becoming more common, but that does not make them any less complicated. Whether you are just starting out on your blending journey, or you have been at it for years, this book and its study guide will offer spiritual and practical insights and guidance from authors who have personally experienced all the ups and downs of blended family life.
Back to Court: A Complete Guide to Child Custody Litigation
The divorce decree was not your last day in court.
Family custody arrangements may seem final, but life goes on. Relationships change. Jobs change. Children change. And all too soon, you are shocked to find yourself back in court. Now what?
Licensed Professional Counselor Scott Martindale and Attorney Dennis Brewer will help you walk confidently through the anger, fear, and frustration of the legal maze. You will be able to prepare for, execute, and recover from something you would prefer to avoid. These authors will teach you how to: select and work with the right lawyer for your situation, develop a strategy to care for yourself and your family, manage your expectations and evaluate the emotional and financial costs.
You can find a resolution that benefits your child and you can live with.
Anchored in Christ: Teen Devotions for Life in a Stepfamily
If you’ve been looking for a biblical resource specifically for teens who are navigating blended family life, the wait is over.
Anchored in Christ: Teen Devotions for Life in a Stepfamily is a six-week devotional for teens facing challenges of everyday life and being in a blended family. They will discover truths and skills for getting along with stepparents, dealing with school pressures, sharing space with stepsiblings, finding their true identity, and so much more.
Each week focuses on the intersection of faith, being a teenager, and blended family life:
Week 1: Who Am I?
Week 2: When Emotions Run High
Week 3: When Life Turns Upside Down
Week 4: God’s Plans for Me
Week 5: Knowing God
Week 6: Blended Family Life
Every day, teens will be challenged to pursue Christ as the anchor of their lives. Each devotion contains a Scripture to read and reflect on, truths to embrace, and questions that encourage teens to engage with God.
Teens will see that God is always at work in their everyday lives and in their stepfamily. They’ll be encouraged to seek Him, discover His plans for them, and anchor their lives in His unchanging, steadfast love.
Blended Kingdom Families Podcast
Scott & Vanessa Martindale
Welcome to Blended Kingdom Families Podcast! We are a ministry that is committed to equipping marriages, uniting families and igniting faith through Gods word, biblical foundations and practical tips. We are your hosts Scott and Vanessa Martindale and we are so excited to have you here with us! Our hearts desire is to serve and help blended families flourish in Abundant Kingdom life. God did not create us to just get through life, but He created us to live life abundantly. He will complete the good work He began in your blended family, for nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37)
Let’s Therapy Podcast
Scott & Vanessa Martindale
Welcome to the Let’s Therapy Podcast – where faith, mental health, and blended family converge. We are your hosts, Scott and Vanessa Martindale, therapists, and founders of Blended Kingdom Families. As members of a blended family, we know the importance of good mental health as well as a vibrant relationship with God. In this podcast, we offer a biblically-sound and therapeutic approach to the most pressing issues blended families face. Our heats’ desire is to serve, educate, support, and empower you are your family so you can flourish!
Blended Kingdom Teens
Blended Kingdom Teens is a safe and trusted place for teens in blended families to experience healing, discover hope, and find their passion and purpose in God. Check out the Blended Kingdom Teens Podcast, Teen Devotional, Merch and more!
7 Prayers for Your Marriage
We all want to pray for our marriage, but sometimes we don’t quite know what to pray. Or we feel like our prayers aren’t “good enough.” This resource provides seven prayers for various needs you and your spouse might face in your marriage. You can use these to help you become more comfortable praying together, too.
Putting on the Armor of God
Most of us are familiar with the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-17), but we may not know how to “put it on.” This resource explains the importance of each piece of armor and provides prayers to use as you utilize each one.
30-Day Devotional for Supernatural Faith
Being intentional about spending time in the Word with your blended family is one of the best ways to strengthen not only your faith, but also the bond you share with each other and with God!
10 Steps to Unity in Your Blended Family
This resource offers 10 quick and easy tips that you can implement to bring peace into your marriage, stepparenting, co-parenting, and other blended family relationships.
Our BKF coaches can help you build stronger bonds, improve communication, and develop strategies for your blended family’s particular situation. With varied and diverse experience, our coaches can tailor their assistance to meet the most pressing needs you face.
Whether you are a single parent, a newly-blended couple, co-parent, step grandparent, or someone else touched by a blended family, our BKF coaches are ready to serve you!
We believe that God designed individuals to live and thrive in community with each other. A small group is a great way to foster those important relationships. Because blended families often feel isolated and overlooked, even in the local church, a class or small group focused on the unique needs of blended families is a vital source for encouragement, support, and spiritual growth.
We’ve partnered with YouVersion to create free reading plans! These plans provide focal Scriptures, devotional thoughts, and prayers for your marriage and blended family.